Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a set of programming language and macro language extensions to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications development environment that provides automation of data-processing activities to be performed on Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
What is VBA?
What is Visual Basic for Applications? Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming language and macro language extensions to the Visual Basic for Applications development environment that provides automation of data-processing activities to be performed on Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. The term VBA is commonly used when referring to macros in Office documents.
Windows Installer 5.0 which is a part of the OS is a better way of delivering programs as these are not dependant on specific Windows installations. They can be made to work on new and old Windows versions.
A macro is a series of commands written in a programming language and stored as a single document. The macro is either embedded in a document or created as a stand-alone document. The macro is run when the document is opened.
VBA programs allow you to:
Use automation to process a range of data by creating a series of macro commands in a VBA program.
Create and edit macros without having to go through the tedious process of opening and saving files.
Create new Office automation applications.
Other features of Visual Basic for Applications include:
Asynchronous execution - When executing a macro, it is possible to pause the running of the macro until a certain action has occurred. When the specified action is performed, the macro is automatically resumed.
Data-processing features - Allows a macro to perform any number of operations on a range of cells within a worksheet or to perform several actions on a single cell or range of cells in an Excel document.
Macro security - Helps to prevent other macros from being run within a document.
Object-oriented features - Macros can interact with other VBA objects, including Excel objects, collections, class instances, and the Windows API.
Object-oriented programming features - Macros can use VBA object-oriented programming features such as message boxes, property editors, and worksheets.
Worksheet features - Allows a macro to create, modify, or delete worksheet objects such as worksheets, charts, or data-entry forms.
User-interface features - Allows macros to change the visual appearance of the user interface such as dialog boxes, menus, and tool be359ba680
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